Spice Up Your Style in Old Navy Dresses Review

As a lucky member of the stylish and influential Old Navy Style Council I had the opportunity to redeem a coupon for a free Old Navy dress of my choice. I also got to share this amazing opportunity with a friend.

The person I chose for this Crowdtap / Old Navy sample dress event was my Mother. And she was also able to redeem a coupon for a free Old Navy Dress. I surprised my Mom one afternoon and took her to the mall and said "Christmas came early, pick out whatever dress you like, this is a Old Navy Dress event!" She has done a couple of these with me so she knows what the Old Navy Style Council is all about. She had told me earlier in November that for Christmas she wanted a dress. So Christmas indeed came earlier for her.

I had checked out all the styles on oldnavy.com and knew exactly what I was going for, but when I got to the store they had such a wide range of styles and colors that what I had in mind went out the door.

 I really liked both of these dresses but I didn't like how they looked on me. The beige dress was the one I wanted when I saw it online but once I tried on it was see-through. The black dress was ok, I like the different color belt detail. Black and pink are my favorite colors but I didn't like how it fit.

My Mom tried both of these but liked how the black one fit.  She doesn't like Black but liked the feel and comfort of this dress but she was hesitant because of the color. She wanted something nice and bright.
We loved the color of these but did not like the fit.
We would of course wear leggings with these dresses
I think what it mainly was the stripes. Made us feel a little bigger. 
             This was the one dress we said "OH YEAH!!"
         It's funny how we both ended up with the same color.
        I loved how the belted dress fit me.The fabric was so
     soft and comfortable. I loved it. I have since worn it three times

My Mom really loved this dress from the moment she saw it but decided It would be the last dress to try on. She felt comfortable, loved the looseness of it and specially the color. She loved that it was versatile and she can wear it around the house or pair it with nice shoes on a day out
 We had so much fun trying out Old Navy dresses. This was one of the easiest Crowdtap sample share events I have ever done. Every dress qualified with the coupon and I didn't have to explain to much to the employees. Everyone was super nice and helpful in getting other sizes or giving suggestions. Had a great time with my Mom.We really appreciate it the experience and can't wait for the next one.

If you are interested in checking out the dresses in this review go to Oldnavy.com You can also visit your local Old Navy. You can find your nearest store here 

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